PINNT are pleased with their video
PINNT commissioned Little Orchard to produce seven films for their new website (by our friends at Dreamscape). Carolyn Wheatley, the project manager at PINNT, said she was initially nervous. And then was completely won over once she showed one of the films to Bupa. They asked for videos. Meanwhile Carolyn kindly wrote to us and said…
“PINNT are delighted that our association with Little Orchard was productive, hard work but fun. The team from Little Orchard provided PINNT novices, in relation to filming, with the confidence to relax and be natural infront of the camera. The team provided each one of our volunteers with the appropriate support throughout the whole process. Little Orchard took time to fully understand exactly what PINNT’s aims were and enabled us to achieve short videos which enable the face of the charity to be seen by those visiting our website. They are natural, calming and informative and PINNT have received positive feedback that they are high quality videos that bring an informative website to life; real people either receiving or supporting life saving therapies who are able to reach out and support other people via the videos in a way that is reassuring and inspriational.”
PINNT look forward to working with Little Orchard in the future.
Carolyn Wheatley
Chair, PINNT